SEO and Website Migrations
Website takes a ton of work from creative to UX design. Search Engine Optimization plays a big role in this migration because every time you launch something new, there’s a risk that you lose what search progress you made on the old website. To that end, there are a lot of specific tasks that need to happen to ensure you not only keep the traffic you already have but find opportunities for new traffic. SEO migrations need quite a few elements to go well including:
- Redirect Maps
- Ensuring Page Templates Contain SEO Elements
- Indexation Criteria
- Navigation and Interlinking
- Search Console and Analytics Set Up
- And Much More…
At DG, we help create a clear specific plan to create user stories, acceptance criteria, test scripts, and work back schedules to ensure we launch sites with minimal disruptions. This includes staging, UAT, and production level testing throughout the process.
Website Migrations
Each launch is a little different and needs to be scoped separately, however he are some starting points for how our migrations go:
Website Migration Plan
This package includes a complete delivery of a migration plan and testing.
- Migration Document
- Work back Schedule
- UAT/Staging and Production Testing
- Dedicated Project Manager
Consulting Retainer
This offering gives you access to speak with a specialist. They come in hour blocks of 10 and let you bounce ideas or validate assumptions with one of our team members. This is a great option if you just need to mitigate risk.
- Dedicated SEO Specialist
- Regular Checkin Calls
- POV Documents as Necessary
- No Formal Delivery